Fifteenth Lotus Flower

Fifteenth Lotus Flower - Samantha Rochard - Mixed Media
Fifteenth Lotus Flower,
Another Balance number.
Divine Energy and Divine Grace
Sometimes, just being is enough.

I am resisting the habit of beating up on myself. I am at a point where the echoes of the nay-sayers occasionally reverberate through my brain. Shush.... I say to only see what you see. You do not see what I bliss.
Having been told, and lectured, about the futility of being an artist I no longer wish to hear you. I see it around me. I see people who have followed the same path I wish to follow and are comfortable within themselves. So shush.....and let me be. When I look back on my life, I wish to say that I explored every option, lived every dream that I had, and enjoyed life to the fullest of my talents.....shush...... I am creating. I am what I am........and that's enough.


hbynoe said…
sometimes it is a matter of saying I am what I am and realizing that all of these projections are at the center of the false ego which hides the true wants, needs and feelings. Press on Sam in good faith and intention.