Eighteenth Lotus Flower

Eighteenth Lotus Flower - Samantha Rochard- Mixed Media

Eighteenth Lotus Flower asks to seek 
Your center.
Cushion this with growth from within
Guard the circle with your intent at all corners.

Its been four weeks approximately since I started this project. Have I found any difference in my psyche? Yes, but I must say that the most difficult hurdle was getting over the fears that I had...all the "what if's" that may have come and spoiled the ride. Now that I have "detoxed" somewhat from the fear, from the issue and from the previous life, I cannot believe that I ever lived a life that I find so abhorrent to me. No.... that corporate life was never for me.....the mere suggestion that I may need to go back makes me cringe. Faith keeps me moving forward. Faith, and the conviction that I am doing the right thing for me.
